
Visual Art

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The Arts: Visual Art

The Diocese of Perth provides a supportive environment for artists and encourages young, older and local artists to bring their creative ideas to reality.

Here's some ideas on how to get involved:

  • exhibit in or attend the St George’s Annual Art Exhibition for young artists
  • exhibit in or attend the bi-annual Mandorla Art Award for contemporary religious art
  • participate in a parish or school organised art exhibitions or challenges
  • join or start a painting, arts or crafts group at your local church.
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In 2018 and 2019, we held the Amana Living Arts Festival which saw more than 1,000 residents and clients take part in 90 arts and cultural activities at Amana Living locations and major arts venues across Perth.

The Festival was generously supported by the Anglican Community Fund and stimulated a state-wide discussion about creative ageing. The Festival has been recognised nationally and in WA, winning the 2018 Anglicare Australia Award for Innovation and named a finalist in the ACSA (Aged and Community Services Australia) 2019 Aged Care Awards (WA).

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We believe art is for everyone and is a great way to be active in your community! Visit our Events Calendar to learn more and become involved in the art events offered by our Cathedral, agencies and parishes.

Visual art events

St George's Cathedral

Church in Perth City, St George’s Cathedral is the principal cathedral of the Anglican Province of Western Australia. Find Perth prayer times and Perth music concerts.

St Georges Cathedral thumbnail


Your source for all the latest happenings within the diocese.

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