
Parish Funds

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Parish Funds

Section 61.1 of the Statute requires funds to be deposited with the Anglican Community Fund (ACF) for day to day running of Parish’ accounts.

Section 61.3 requires money in excess of that which is necessary for the ordinary expenses of a parish is deposited with the Anglican Community Fund in the name of the Parish. This also relates to legacies and bequests received by Parishes subject to specific trusts.

Section 61.4 requires the Parish council to ensure that within two weeks of its receipt, all other money is deposited in an account with the ACF. It is recommended that all funds received should be banked as soon as practicable and preferably within 2 business days.

Section 61.8 mandates the need for two signatories for withdrawals from bank accounts who must be persons authorised by the Parish Council.


Anglican Community Fund

For over 50 years the Anglican Community Fund has provided members of the Anglican community with financial services.

Church house pier street thumbnail