
Bushfire season

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Liturgical Resources for Bushfire Season

Bushfire Prayer

We thank you, living God,
for the fire fighters and emergency service workers,
both volunteers and professionals,
who risk their own safety
to protect people and property.
Bless and protect them as they serve us in times of crisis.
Give them skill and care
as they work through fatigue, fear and danger.
To every community now shadowed by the smoke of bushfires,
give a strong spirit, generous neighbours,
and the resources they need
to care for one another and for the land.
Refresh us in our faith
that nothing can separate us from your love
in Christ Jesus our Lord,
in whose name we pray. Amen.

The Way Forward on Climate Change

The Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture in Canberra and the NCCA co-hosted a seminar to reflect on and inform the way forward on Australia’s climate change policy.

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Helping Rural Communities

During the presentation, I could not help but think about how the Anglican Community Fund can assist rural parishes.

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