
Asbestos Removal Works

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Asbestos Removal Works

An Asbestos Register is required for every workplace unless the building was constructed after 31 December 2003 or the building has been inspected and found to not contain asbestos.

Risk Rating

If asbestos is identified as being present during an inspection, it will be given a risk rating. Action is to be taken to address the risks as follows:

  1. Risk rating 2 to 4 – Minor (Yellow). The Asbestos Containing Material which is not friable1 and is in a stable condition. Such material should be clearly labelled and regularly inspected to ensure it is not deteriorating or otherwise contributing to an unacceptable health risk.
  2. Risk rating 5 to 7 – Moderate (Amber). ACTION REQUIRED. The Asbestos Containing Material is friable but is in a stable condition and is accessible. Serious consideration should be given to its removal within 12 months. If removal is impractical, short term control measures such as sealing and/or enclosure, may be able to be used until removal is possible.
  3. Risk rating 8 to 10 – Major (Red). IMMEDIATE ACTION REQUIRED. The Asbestos Containing Material is friable and not in a stable condition, and there is a risk to health from exposure. It should be removed by an appropriately licenced asbestos removalist as soon as practicable.

Work Orders for Removal

For Major-risk occurrences, the Parish Property Team (PPT) will immediately seek quotes and raise work orders, without prompting from the parish. Other (Moderate and Minor-Risk) asbestos remedial works are to be coordinated through the PPT using Diocesan approved contractors, in the same manner as normal maintenance works.

Funding for Removal

For parishes with a demonstrated need for financial support, Diocesan Office will consider funding assistance of up to 100% of the cost of remediating major-risk occurrences and up to 50% of the cost of remediating moderate-risk occurrences. To be considered for a grant for this purpose an Asbestos Removal Grant Request Form is to be completed. Recognising that Diocesan Office only has access to limited funds for this purpose, grants will only be considered where parishes provide suitable evidence to support a demonstrated need; such as:

  1. How much money the parish has in the bank.
  2. Whether or not the parish has access to funds in a Pool Trust Account.
  3. Whether or not the parish has already applied for Assessment relief.
  4. Whether or not the parish can apply for a low interest loan for repairs and maintenance.

Many asbestos occurrences are fences. In these instances, the remedial works need to be coordinated with neighbours and the cost shared 50/50.

Self-Help Works

Up to ten square metres of bonded (non-friable) asbestos or small quantities of asbestos fragments can be removed without a licence; e.g., by a suitable parish volunteer.

The fragments should be collected, placed in a labelled heavy-duty plastic bag or wrapping and taken to a suitable landfill or Local Government asbestos collection point. This should not be delayed especially if there is the possibility of the material being disturbed or damaged such as by traffic or lawn mowers. Normally disposable or washable rubber gloves and good personal hygiene are sufficient for collecting the material. However, if there has been extensive fragmentation or abrasion, then a well-fitted P1 or P2 respirator should be worn and the material wetted with water before collection. Further information is available on the Worksafe website.

Risks remediated in this manner must be reported to the Diocesan Operations Manager who will coordinate the update of the Asbestos Register.

Post Works

After works are completed, the Diocesan Operations Manager will arrange for an updated asbestos register to be provided on receipt of the following information from the parish:

  1. Details of the work that was completed (e.g., removed, or encapsulated),
  2. Who the works were completed by,
  3. Date(s) that the works were completed, and
  4. Any photos of the removal area or encapsulated item.

Any contractors undertaking work on parish property must be advised of asbestos related risks by parish representatives before they commence work.

Any asbestos left in situ which damaged or disturbed should be reported to the Diocesan Operations Manager who will coordinate a further inspection, if necessary.

1. Material which is capable of being crumbled, pulverized or reduced to powder by hand pressure and which under normal use or maintenance, emits or can be expected to emit, asbestos fibres into the air.