
Property Insurance Claims Process

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Property Insurance Claims Process

It is important the parish advise the PPT of any insurance related maintenance works as soon as possible following an event e.g., storm.

The PPT will assist parishes in determining if a maintenance issue is caused by an insurable event and if it is, complete the insurance claim form. Damage caused by poor maintenance (e.g., blocked gutters), may not be considered an insurable event.

Good record keeping (e.g. using the parish property database), can prove the adequacy of maintenance and may assist parishes making a claim.

Insurance will generally only cover like for like replacement, except where the original product is no longer available e.g., asbestos fences.

A minimum excess of $500 is applicable to all insurance claims. For insurance claims of $5,000 (ex GST) or more the excess will be 10% of the repair cost (ex GST) with a cap of $1,500.