
Summer Housekeeping Tips

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Summer Housekeeping Tips

With summer approaching it is a good idea to check parish property to ensure everything possible is being done to improve property resilience and prevent damage. The threat during summer comes from the potential for fire and malicious damage.

While most damage is covered by insurance, claims can be denied if the damage is caused by poor maintenance e.g., blocked gutters. Claims may also be denied if they are not reported immediately or not associated with an insurable event e.g., break-in.

A quick response to damage can also reduce the costs and time involved in repairs. See Rapid or After-Hours Response to Emergencies.

While self-help maintenance by volunteers is encouraged, due attention must be given to undertaking work within the bounds contained in Policy 2 - Work Health and Safety.

1.Grass Slashing/Firebreaks

Please refer to your Local Government Authority website for the relevant requirements for firebreaks and hazard reduction actions. It is a requirement for certain vacant land and rural properties to comply with all requirements within the Annual Firebreak notice from 1st November, with standards maintained until 30th April the following year. The Department of Fire & Emergency Services, Rural Fire Division, have produced ā€œA Guide to Constructing and Maintaining Firebreaksā€.

During the warmer months there are often more people out and about with nefarious intentions. A multi layered approach to security is best, with consideration being given to locks on doors and windows, security screens, lighting, alarms, cameras, and passive surveillance.
3.Gutters and Down Pipes
While normally a risk associated with winter, gutters and down pipes filled with debris are also a fire risk. This is particularly the case if there are trees nearby.
4.Trees, Vegetation and Reticulation
Due consideration needs to be given to balancing environmental issues and the risk of fire presented by the proximate of trees and vegetation to buildings. Before summer it is also a good idea to check and repair reticulation to ensure water is conserved and gardens are kept green and healthy.
To reduce the risk of snakes taking up residence remove accessible food and water sources; maintain a tidy garden, keep the lawn and garden shrubbery low; ensure screen doors are kept shut and key locked at all times and fly screens are in good repair; block up gaps under external screen or solid doors (install a weather sweep or strip); empty out or limit pools of water (run off from air-conditioning units etc); block cavities in wall structures; keep sheds tidy and stacks of timber/sheeting above ground if possible.
6.Playground Equipment
Summer is a good time to check and maintain playground equipment.

At all times of the year, we need to keep on top of our safety checks, pest control and servicing of appliances.

Preventative works are a benefit to all of us in the long run. In particular they assist in keeping our insurance premiums as low as possible.

Please enter requests for work in the parish property database or contact the parish property team on at or by phone on 9425 7288.

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