The Right Reverend
Kate Wilmot
Assistant Bishop of the Diocese of Perth
The Right Reverend Kate Wilmot
Kate Wilmot completed a Bachelor of Divinity at Murdoch University in 1999.
Made deacon in 1999, Kate served a curacy in the Parish of Northam and was ordained priest in February 2000.
Since then, Kate has lived and worked in the Parishes of Ballajura (2001-09) and Bayswater (2009-15).
Kate was an Army Reserve Chaplain from 2004-16 and served on the Chapter of St George’s Cathedral from 2008-15.
On the Feast of the Transfiguration in 2015, Kate was consecrated bishop.

Bishop Kate has oversight of the Gnamma Archdeaconry assisted by Archdeacon Clive Hillman and Archdeacon Kathy Barrett-Lennard OAM.
Archdeacon: The Venerable Clive Hillman
Kyooya (Green tree frog) Deanery formerly Swan Deanery
AD: Vacant
Bassendean, Darlington-Bellevue, Ellenbrook, Forrestfield-Wattle Grove, Guildford, Kalamunda-Lesmurdie, Lockridge-Eden Hill, Midland, Mundaring, Swan
Yonga (Kangaroo) Deanery formerly Armadale Deanery
AD: Richard Minol
Armadale, Canning, Gosnells, Kelmscott, Maddington, Roleystone, Serpentine-Jarrahdale, Thornlie-Kenwick-Huntingdale
Archdeacon: The Venerable Kathy Barrett-Lennard
Nhumbat (Numbat) Deanery formerly Avon Deanery
AD: Vacant
Beverley-Brookton, Gingin-Chittering, Northam, Tammin, Toodyay-Goomalling, Quairading, York
Weitj (Emu) Deanery formerly Goldfields Deanery
AD: Elizabeth Smith
Esperance, The Goldfields
Nyniyarn (Echidna) Deanery formerly Eastern Deanery
AD: Vacant
Bruce Rock, Kellerberrin, Merredin, Narembeen
Karda (Monitor) (Goanna) Deanery formerly Moore Deanery
AD: Vacant
Moora, Morawa-Perenjori, North Midlands, Turquoise Coast-Dandaragan-Eneabba, Wongan Hills-Dalwallinu, Wyalkatchem-Koorda with Dowerin
Allied ministries if operative at:
- Acacia Prison
- Amana Living
- Armadale-Kelmscott Memorial Hospital
- Bandyup Prison
- Bentley Hospital
- Casuarina Prison
- Court Grammar School
- Esperance ACS
- Guildford Grammar School
- Hakea Prison
- John Wollaston ASC
- Karnet Prison
- Midland Hospital
- Parkerville Children and Youth Care
- Swan Valley ACS
- Swan Valley Adventure Centre
- Yonga Hill Immigration Detention Centre