Prayer Diary
The Prayer Diary is a valuable resource that can be used in daily prayer throughout the diocese and beyond.
“Prayer is learning the art of awakening to God’s presence – to awaken repentance and intercession. Awake my soul”.
Download the January Prayer Diary as a PDF
In the Diocese we pray for:
• Parish of Rockingham
• Parish of Roleystone, Susan Thorpe-Gudgeon and people
• Royal Perth Hospital - Perth Campus
In the Province we pray for:
• Jerramungup, clergy and people
• Diocese of North West Australia, Bishop Darrell Parker, clergy and people
In our Partner Diocese, Eldoret, we pray for:
• St Jude Chepsaita, clergy and people
In the Anglican Communion we pray for:
• Diocese of Oklahoma, United States, bishop, clergy and people
Come, Holy Spirit!
Give us new confidence in your grace,
new words for the mission we share,
new strength to go where you send us,
new spring in our step, as we set out
to spread our faith in changing times,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.