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About the Church

Learn more about the Church - our services, history and our values.

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Mission 2020+

In this new season, our vision for the Anglican Diocese of Perth is that we are a beacon of God’s love in our communities.

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What we Believe

Anglicanism is one of the expressions of Christian faith. We are people called to worship God in Christ and by the power of the Spirit to build communities of hope, healing and transformation.

Catechism The Holy Eucharist Archbishop of Perth


Our Diocese is governed by the constitutions of the Anglican Church of Australia and the Anglican Province of Western Australia and we are guided by the tradition, principles and diversity of the global Anglican Communion.

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The Diocese of Perth is at the forefront of providing opportunities for lay, clergy, women, men, old, young to be fully involved at every level of leadership in the church, across Western Australia.

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Is God calling you to Anglican ministry? All Christians are ‘called’ by God, and in that sense have a ‘vocation’. The Church takes all calls seriously, because we recognise the God who calls.

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In the Community

The Anglican Church in Western Australia continues to be a strong and visible presence in the community, and has been for over 150 years.

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Work with Us

At the Anglican Diocese of Perth, we work every day to build communities of hope, healing and transformation. Today, and every day we embrace service as the power of love with others. Come work with us! We welcome all people with generosity, joy and respect.

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The Church of England was described by historian John Tonkin as an ‘active partner in the process of colonisation’ in the Swan River colony. The first colonial chaplain was the Reverend John Burdett Wittenoom, who arrived in the colony in 1830.

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Donations and Bequests

The Anglican Church is a significant provider of faith and hope in a troublesome world. Gifts and bequests are a heartfelt way of helping to ensure the future mission and ministry of the Anglican Church.

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