About the Church
A collaborative style of ministry is encouraged in the Diocese of Perth.
A collaborative style of ministry is encouraged in the Diocese of Perth.
Lay, clergy, women, men, old, young – a variety of people from different cultural, linguistic backgrounds - seek to work in partnership, holding on to the dignity of each.
Laity are encouraged to take on important roles in diocesan and parish life.
The Diocese of Perth is at the forefront of providing opportunities for women, ordained and lay, to be fully involved at every level of leadership in the church.

Chaplains are experienced and qualified professionals who are present in workplaces to offer care in the name of Christ to anyone who needs it.

Faith in Action
We are committed to Reaching Out in Loving Service through the development of Diocesan commissions, ministries, missions and Anglican Communion organisations.

Theological Education
Wollaston Theological College is responsible responsible for Theological Education, Formation and Training (EFT) of lay and ordained people in the Diocese.

Partnership in Mission
Partnership in Mission (PIM) seeks to establish parish-to parish links. In partnership, we support each other in all aspects of mission and ministry with prayer, ideas, encouragement, and resources.

Mission Work
Today, Mission may be closer to home and in remote or disadvantaged corners of Australia.

Committees provide an opportunity for lay persons and clergy to participate in the governance, operations and direction of the diocese and to have their views put forward and recorded.

We express multicultural interactions in our daily living, encourage multicultural expressions ins worship and foster inter-faith dialogues and encounters.

Social Justice
We courageously take the next step: acknowledging our failings and leading with mercy as we pursue healing justice in the church, our diocese and the world.