Amana Living Sunday
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Living our
Marks of Mission

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Stephanie Buckland, Chief Executive Officer

Amana Living has been a part of the Anglican community for more than six decades. Our Anglicanism runs deep, and it has always guided the care and support we provide to older people. In 2021 we took steps to fortify this bond by developing our own Mission Plan to ensure Amana Living’s present and future work supports the Five Marks of Mission.

As an Anglican agency, we share the good news of the Kingdom by providing chaplaincy services to residents, clients, families and staff of many faiths and none. Our dedicated chaplaincy team, working closely with Parish priests, conduct weekly services for those who wish to participate and offers personalised ministry at our care centres and villages.

We open formal Amana Living meetings with prayer and reinforce our connections with the Church via the Annual Dedication of Service for Senior Staff and Amana Living Sunday. Senior Chaplain Reverend Jeni Goring leads a weekly staff prayer meeting, and supports the chaplains to provide worship services, prayer meetings and bible studies for residents.

The ability to respond to human need through loving service is crucial to providing quality aged care. One of our core values is compassion and we purposely recruit staff who show kindness, empathy, and deep respect for all those we serve.

This compassion extends to the care we provide for the marginalised whether it’s through low cost accommodation in retirement villages, by providing the free McCusker Nurse Service to support carers of people living with dementia, or ensuring no Amana Living resident will die alone in residential aged care.

Since our inception, we have consistently sought to transform unjust social structures through our work. Building upon feedback from our staff, residents, and clients, we formalised this commitment by establishing a new vision to create a community where every older person is honoured and valued. This is a vision not just for Amana Living but for the whole of Australia.

Our vision comes alive through our daily work, as well as through our engagement in policy discussions to positively influence aged care reform. We also tackle ageism by building intergenerational relationships via our partnerships with Anglican schools.

We provide employment conditions that address broader social issues, setting up the next generations for better outcomes. Initiatives such as the introduction of support for staff experiencing family and domestic violence contributes to a fairer and better future for our staff.

And finally, we strive to sustain and renew the life of earth, through environment initiatives such as incorporating environmentally sustainable design and solar power in our buildings.

Our dedication to our Anglican roots is unwavering. We continue to strive for excellence in our mission to make a positive difference in the lives of older people and society.

Published in Messenger July 2023

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