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Church Community Fund

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Kelly Keall, Community Engagement Co-ordinator

Collaborating as a community to address problems and support one another is at the heart of Anglicare WA’s mission. We work alongside other agencies and organisations to amplify our impact in the community. These organisations include our local parishes, which are on the frontline of community development, often being the first port of call for individuals or families seeking support or advice.

The Anglicare WA Church Community Fund was started in recognition of the inspiring community development work happening in Anglican parishes all over the state. We want to support those frontline projects that create community connection in times of need.

Over the last few years, we have given out 40 grants of up to $1,000 each to help fund community development projects in parishes. We are very proud to have been able to support a wide variety of initiatives making an impact in local communities.

A diverse range of projects have been funded addressing different needs within the community. There is a parish providing back to school kits to students in need, another organising ‘Meals on a Shoestring’ education and connection workshops, a parish reaching out to a local primary school offering a mentoring and gardening club and another has hosted a Suicide Alert Workshop. The fund has also enabled the expansion of traditional emergency relief models providing food, hygiene products, blankets and community connection to the community.

If you have an idea that can build community in your local area or would like to expand an existing project, consider applying for an Anglicare WA Church Community Fund grant.

Grants of up to $1,000 are available to Anglican parishes to support initiatives that develop and strengthen local communities. Parishes can only receive one grant per year. Applications are assessed on the initiative’s ability to build community in your locality, the way the project or event complements Anglicare WA’s work and the project or event’s contribution to your parish’s mission.

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Applications close on Friday, 17 March 2024, with successful applicants notified by 5 April 2024. Applications are now open online at or contact me directly at for more information.

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