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Launching on Pentecost Sunday 2024

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Hope25 a mission project which seeks to empower Australian Anglican parishes and communities in an intentional season of sharing hope in Jesus from Easter to Pentecost in 2025.

Hope25 is an opportunity for us to share the hope that we have in Jesus. From now until next year resources, plans and prayers will be offered that every parish can take up, with the goal of every single parish and community in the Anglican Church of Australia committed to doing one thing to share the hope we have in Jesus from Easter to Pentecost 2025.

Dates: Easter Day (April 20, 2025) to Pentecost Sunday (June 8, 2025)

Parishes are encouraged to start praying and planning now - key part of that is forming a team in your parish and signing up to the Hope25 email list and exploring the resources on the Hope25 website.

Hope25 Launch and Parish Resource Pack

The Hope25 website is now live:
A short launch video for use in church services on May 19 is available to download from the website.

Youtube link

Direct download link

(non-English languages available on the website)

Each parish is encouraged to form a small volunteer team for Hope25. Soon after the launch there will be a monthly email with lay-leader friendly
guidelines for planning for Hope25 in your unique context.

A resource document is available to help you launch the project in your church on Pentecost Sunday. Download here

Parish resources for Launch Sunday

Hope25 is being led by the General Synod Mission and Ministry Commission.
For more information, please consult the website or the Project Officer:

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