Jesus Christ Boolanga Yira
Nop-ang Koorlangwetta Bardip
Book: Jesus Christ Boolanga Yira Nop-ang Koorlangwetta Bardip
Jesus Christ Son of God Birth Story
This book has been produced by the Aboriginal Ministry Policy working group of the Anglican Diocese of Perth. The group has been set up to help the Diocese encourage and celebrate ministry by and with Aboriginal People. This book represents a great form of ministry by Nyoongar people to the church and wider community.
To purchase the book, please contact the Wollaston Theological Centre for copies on 08 9286 0270.
About the Artist
Daphne Davis, a talented Wadjuk woman, is an accredited artist. She and her musician partner, Roger Little, have four children, eight grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Daphne’s inspiration comes from watching the Elders paint and listening to their stories together with her travels around the southwest with her mother and father during her growing years as her father looked for work. Daphne currently works with children on murals in the primary schools around the Kwinana area.
About the Text
Tom Little, a Bindjareb Bibbulmun man, is an ex-policeman, and now a full-time professional musician and an award-winning songwriter, married to Beverly and father of two teenage daughters, Katherine and Emma. Tom, who is an experienced translator and a Committee member, very willingly undertook this work. In a few months he presented a beautiful translation taken from the three Gospels of St Matthew, St Mark, and St Luke. Each page also has a translation back into Aboriginal English.
Artwork - Here is The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth, Artist Daphne Davis