Statutes, Canons and Policies
Statutes, Canons and Policies
The Constitution Act of the Diocese of Perth 1871 sets the foundation for the diocese.
In keeping with this Act, The General Synod of the Anglican Church of Australian and Synod of the Diocese of Perth pass legislation including statutes and canons that govern the life of the diocese.
For ease of identification, Canons of the General Synod (Anglican Church of Australia) affecting the Diocese of Perth and adopted by statute of the Diocese of Perth, conclude with the reference “Canon” and the year passed by General Synod. Reference is contained within each Canon as to the year of adoption by statute by the Synod of the Diocese of Perth. The full book of the Code of Statutes 2019 is available in the Parish and Clergy portal.
The Diocese of Perth has a deliberate system of principles, known as policies, in place to guide decisions, achieve rational outcomes and assist us to reach our mission. The definitive repository for all Diocese of Perth policies may be found in the Parish and Clergy portal. Access to policy material is by browsing through the numbered policy index, using the search function, finding policies relating to your role, or finding policies pertaining to a specific resource.