
Leader Resources

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Leaders Resources

Network Meetings

Join Mark from ACYM on the Diocese's monthly network meeting for everyone who works with children in a ministry setting. We look forward to gathering Anglican Children's leaders from across WA for a time of idea sharing and encouragement.

It was great to have so many people join us in this new venture, and it was terrific to hear how parishes are adapting to ministry in this strange time!


2020 will be remembered for many things, but could it be a time where we learned to do things better. Here are some resources and video to help you think through how the Church can get ready to rebuild when the shutdown ends.

Wollaston Theological College

ACYMC are proud to be part of the Wollaston Certificate in Theology. If you have some free time on your hands over the next few months, this would be a great way to learn from some of the best Theologians and Practitioners in WA. For more information, contact Mark in the ACYMC office.

Talks and Interviews

When Churches are allowed to open again, things are probably going to look a lot different from how they do now.

To help you begin to think through that change here are some useful seminars from a Pioneer Ministry* training conference in the UK, from a recent Church Mission Society/Frontier Youth Trust learning day on pioneer ministry with young people and children.

*Pioneer Ministry is the term the Church of England uses to describe new types of Missional Church.


It's not always easy to find the time to sit down to read a book especially if you have children running around the house. Here are some podcasts that you can listen to in the car, on your cycle or while you're out for a walk.

Work experience podcast
Old News Podcast
The distillery Podcast
Nomad podcast
Download Youth Ministry

Here are a few more podcasts that you might enjoy listening to:

Every couple of weeks, Tim and Dave of Nomad pooled their theological naiveté and blundered through interviews with the likes of Rachel Held Evans, Nadia Bolz-Weber, Greg Boyd, Rob Bell, Shane Claiborne, Brian McLaren, Krista Tippett, Rowan Williams, Tom Wright and many unsung heroes of the faith. Why? Well, Tim and Dave liked travelling and namedropping! But they also hoped these chats would be thought-provoking for others, too.

New Time Religion
New Time Religion with Dr Andrew Root. A Church podcast for the Secular Age. This podcast follows on from what Andy talked about when he was here with us in Perth in August last year.


A leading missiologist Alan Roxburgh invites us to think through the role of the church in this new post-COVID-19 world.

A webinar that was broadcast in the UK over the past week. It would be great to have this conversation from an Australian context.


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