Ordination of Priests clergy hero


In this section you will find Statutes & Canons, Policies,
Forms and Resources applicable to Clergy.

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Statutes & Canons for Clergy

In this section you will find all Statutes & Canons applicable to Clergy.

Statues cannons priests cathedral thumbnail

Policies for Clergy

In this section you will find all Policies applicable to Clergy.

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Forms for Clergy

In this section you will find all Forms applicable to Clergy.

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Safe Ministry & Professional Standards

The Diocese is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all its members and leaders, and especially its children. We do this through adhering to Professional Standards and Safe Ministry.

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Clergy Protected

The Clergy Directory is a resource for Clergy with information for Clergy in Diocese of Perth.

Clergy archbishop by jacob legarda thumbnail

Clergy Resources

Practical information and support for clergy, including your health and well being, retreats and guides.

Fremantle St John bishop kate ordination

Liturgical Resources

Find resources for prayer and conversations to help churches and communities gather together in prayer.

Catechism The Holy Eucharist Archbishop of Perth

Environmental Sustainability

Parishes, schools, agencies and Diocesan bodies are encouraged to focus again upon the Fifth Mark of Mission, ‘To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth’.

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Children and Youth Ministry

The Anglican Children and Youth Ministries (ACYM) is the official children and youth ministry of the Anglican Diocese of Perth.

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Social Responsibilities

Our worshipping communities, schools and agencies are encouraged to be informed and enable social justice advocacy in the community to relieve suffering, injustice and oppression.

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Multicultural Ministries Commission

Multicultural Ministries Commission fosters ways of expressing multicultural interactions in our daily living.

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