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Liturgical Resources for the School Community

Prayer for Teachers

God, bless all the teachers.

Bless them
in classrooms and lecture theatres,
in homes and study groups,
in laboratories and workshops,
in studios and playgrounds,
at kindy, school, college and university.

Bless them
with your love for the people they teach,
with your delight in life-giving truth.

Bless them
with your patience for the slow or stubborn,
with your joy in every moment of insight and understanding,
with your wisdom in forming faithful lives.

Bless them
in their own learning every day,
and lead them by your Holy Spirit into all the truth,
through our Saviour Jesus Christ.

Prayer for Students leaving school

God of all wisdom,
your Spirit shelters us in the communities of our schools:
as our senior students prepare to leave
for the study, exams, work and service
that lie beyond school days,
guard and guide them with your blessing,
so that all their lives may always be shaped by the grace and truth
which you have made known through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.

God bless you with grace to study well and to do your best
in the exams that lie ahead of you.

God bless you with good decisions and clear wisdom
as you take your next steps in learning, work and play.

God bless you with deep faith and strong friendships
as you enter new communities and explore new challenges.
And the blessing of God,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,

be among you and remain with you always. Amen.

Simple intercessions

We thank you, God, for the life of our schools,
for students who love to learn,
teachers who teach with passion and dedication,
and all the staff, families and volunteers who work together here.

God of grace and truth, hear our prayer.

Thank you for the times of prayer we have shared, and for growing faith,
for the spirit of community we are building,
and for all the friends we make and keep in our school years.

God of grace and truth, hear our prayer.

We pray for calm confidence as exams approach,
for clear minds and peaceful spirits in stressful times,
and for all of our students to do their best in every challenge.
God of grace and truth, hear our prayer.

We pray for the students who are leaving us this year,
for further study, for new jobs or for gap years.

Guide us in the choices we make throughout our lives.

God of grace and truth, hear our prayer.

In times of stability and times of change,

as we stretch and grow in body, mind and spirit,
give us grace to hear you call to us, and to follow you gladly

God of grace and truth, hear our prayer.

A parent’s prayer on sending children to school

Thank you, God, for your Spirit growing in Names.
Thank you for their curiosity and creativity,
for their energy and imagination,
for their ability to make friends and work and play with others.
As I send them to school,
give me grace to let go,
making room for this year’s new teachers and new friends.
Help me to trust that you will always be close to them.
Keep them safe.
Stretch their spirit
and feed their mind
with everything that is wise and good and holy,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

A prayer for a local school

God, bless Name school and its community.
Fill it with love.
Enrich it with kindess.
Make its students hungry and thirsty for learning,
and help its teachers to meet them with passion and skill.
Provide the resources it needs
to bring great education to this community.
Shape its culture
to make sure of respect, dignity and care for everyone,
whatever their language or race,
whatever their age or ability,
in Jesus’ name. Amen.

A teacher’s prayer as the new school year begins

Lord Jesus, my teacher,
fill my heart with love of learning
and joy in teaching
for the year ahead.
Give me discernment to see each child’s gifts and needs.
Give me patience with the slow and stubborn.
Give me creativity in communicating new ideas.
Give me courage and a calm spirit
to see me through the stressful times
and to make a difference in the children’s lives.
Show me how I can support and be supported by my colleagues,
working together for the common good,
with your Holy Spirit’s help. Amen.

A child’s prayer as the new school year begins

Lord Jesus, my teacher,
come with me to school this year.
Stay close to me
at home, in the classroom and in the playground.
Help me to enjoy learning,
to keep trying,
and ask for help
when lessons are hard to understand.
Help me to be a good friend,
and to have good friends.
Give me your Holy Spirit
so that I can do my best work every day. Amen.

A prayer for children with special learning needs

God, bless Names
and the teachers, aides and volunteers
who will work with them this year.
Give them patience, gentleness
and many signs of progress.
Help them with social skills,
making friends and caring for others.
Provide the resources our community needs
to bring out the best in them,
and to receive the special gifts they bring to all of us,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.