Homelessness in Western Australia
More than nine thousand Western Australians experience homelessness on any given night (ABS Census 2016).
Contact Anglicare WA housing and homelessness service for assistance.
The main drivers of homelessness
- 41% family and domestic violence
- 39% financial difficulties
- 24% relationship breakdown
What I can do?
- attend an event during Homelessness Week
- learn more at the WA Alliance to End Homelessness
- join the Everybody's Home campaign
- contact your local MP and encourage them to invest in social housing
- donate or volunteer with Anglicare WA to keep our homelessness support services open
Did you know? 24,900 people sought assistance from a homelessness service in WA last year.
Contact Anglicare WA housing and homelessness service for assistance.

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Anglicare WA
Each year, Anglicare WA assists more than 43,000 West Australians to experience improved conditions of well being, by seeking ways to drive positive outcomes for us all and challenging barriers.

Homelessness in our Communities
The stark reality for many in our community is the risk of homelessness is never far away.