Mission Work
Faith in Action: Mission Work
‘Mission’ used to mean sending missionaries to teach or provide medical care and offer Christian faith in disadvantaged overseas countries – the Anglican Church still is involved with this type of mission work. But today, Mission may be closer to home and in remote or disadvantaged corners of Australia.
Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury, has said, “Mission is finding out what God is doing and joining in."
Anglican Board of Mission (ABM)
ABM is the national mission agency for the Anglican Church of Australia. It is the channel through which Australian Anglicans participate in mission, both here and overseas. Through Anglican church partners both in Australia and overseas, ABM’s Church to Church program serves Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Anglicans as well as theological education overseas. Anglicans in Development (AID) is wholly owned by ABM and operates the Sustainable Communities program. AID works with church partners to deliver grassroots, community-driven development, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leadership, and disaster preparedness and response.
ABM wants to see people everywhere experience the wholeness of life God offers in Jesus Christ, and to this end supports partners as they participate in God’s mission. ABM seeks to bring love, hope and justice into the lives of others who are in need. Many relief and development projects make this possible, in countries including the Holy Land, Kenya, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Vanuatu, and Zambia.
The Perth Committee of the Anglican Board of Mission is chaired by Fr Matthew Smedley.
Anglican Board of Mission
News from ABM
Anglican Overseas Aid
Anglican Overseas Aid is an overseas relief and development agency of the Anglican Church of Australia. Our work is inspired by the gospel of Christ, with a vision for a peaceful, just and sustainable world for all.
Bush Church Aid Society (BCA)
The Bush Church Aid Society shares the gospel, builds up the church, and cares for people all around Australia. According to ABS definitions, BCA Field Staff serve in regional and remote parts of Australia. Locals in these places are removed from cities, live in sparsely populated towns (sometimes as small as a few hundred people), and often don’t benefit from strong support networks of family and friends. Churches in these areas can struggle, ongoing fellowship can be hard to maintain, and encouragement can become a rarity.
The Reverend Rob Healy is the BCA Regional Officer for WA and The Reverend Neil Walthew is the Chair of the WA BCA Committee. Their office is located at St Alban's Anglican Church, Beaufort Street, Highgate.
Church Missionary Society (CMS)
CMS is a fellowship of Christian people and churches committed to global mission. We work with churches to set apart long-term workers who cross cultures to share the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Reverend David Greeff is the State Director for CMS WA.
Mission to Seafarers
Over the years the Mission to Seafarers in Australia has sought to help seafarers in all kinds of practical ways. They are away from their families for long periods and may face loneliness and ill-health or injury. The welcome from the MTS Chaplains and volunteers may be the only onshore hospitality they receive.
In the Diocese of Perth, the Flying Angel Club is an International Seafarers’ Centre and is situated at 76 Queen Victoria Street in the Port City of Fremantle.
Everyday, the Club provides for the welfare of Seafarers, visiting every ship in Fremantle Port, providing hospitality, transport and pastoral care as well as offering accommodation and providing care and compassion for sick and injured seafarer as they recuperate.
Anglican Missions
Anglican Board of Mission
The Anglican Board of Mission (ABM) is the National Mission organisation of the Anglican Church of Australia.

A Prayer for Myanmar
The Anglican Board of Mission invites you to pray for the people of Myanmar and for the CPM, its clergy, people and agencies.

Christmas Bowl
The Christmas Bowl is one of the longest standing Christmas appeals in Australia. This year, more than 15 Christian denominations and 1,300 churches across Australia have pledged their support of the Christmas Bowl.