
Theological Education

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Theological Education

Wollaston Theological College is responsible responsible for Theological Education, Formation and Training (EFT) of lay and ordained people in the Diocese. In this, it serves the purposes of the Archbishop of Perth who has ultimate oversight of all such activities in the Diocese.

The College is located at a site generally known as ‘Wollaston’ in Mount Claremont, Western Australia. This site has a significant place in the life of the Diocese, having been the central point for Theological Education in the Diocese since 1957.

The core purpose of the College is to prepare people for a diversity of Anglican ministries to create communities that make Christ’s presence known, experienced and proclaimed.

Wollaston was founded over 50 years ago as a live-in seminary for young men preparing for ministry as priests in the Anglican Diocese of Perth. As the first Diocese in Australia to ordain women as priests in 1992 and to consecrate the first woman bishop in 2008, Wollaston has long welcomed women, as well as men, preparing for ministry.

Today, residential facilities no longer exist, but Wollaston's role as a provider of EFT programs continues in accordance with the needs of the Church in the 21st century.

Wollaston, therefore, is a place where old and young, women and men, ordained and lay members of the Diocese of Perth are educated, prepared and formed for Anglican Ministry.

People who participate in theological education come from a range of backgrounds and interests; from those seeking ordination through to others who want to understand their faith more deeply. They choose to study:

  • The Wollaston Certificate in Theology
  • Education for Ministry (EfM)
  • Supervised Theological Field Education (STFE)
  • Theology at Murdoch University

The Anglican Diocese of Perth is involved in theological education and is an active member of the Perth College of Divinity. The Perth College of Divinity is an interdenominational body that includes Wollaston Theological College.

The College is led by the principal and the Board who together implement the Archbishop’s educational vision for all people in the Diocese.

Theological Education