Christian Movements
Faith in Action: Christian Movements
MU Australia
MU Australia is part of the worldwide Mothers’ Union, an international Christian organisation that seeks to support families worldwide. In 81 countries, Mothers’ Union members share the vision to bring about a world where God’s love is shown through loving, respectful and flourishing relationships. Mothers’ Union actively pursue this goal through prayer, programmes, policy work and community relationships.
The Mothers' Union Diocese of Perth President is Mrs Kaye Healy.
Cursillo is a worldwide movement of the Christian Church which seeks to make it possible to live out what is fundamental to being a Christian.
Cursillo offers a shared experience within a small group in a unique Christian community; a way of personal spiritual renewal and growth through teaching, sacraments, devotions and ministry in an atmosphere of fellowship and trust. It focuses on how to apply these teachings in our daily life, where we work and how we interact with others.
Cursillo is a Spanish word meaning short course. This is provided by way of a short course in Christian living held over a three-day weekend, followed by monthly gatherings called Ultreyas held at different venues across WA.
Everyone is encouraged to attend Ultreyas, and are welcome to come for fellowship. It is not just for people who have attended a Cursillo weekend, it is for those that are interested in Cursillo.
The Anglican Cursillo Three Days is open to all practising Anglicans through a sponsorship program. Separate weekends are held for men and women as it has been found that people are less inhibited in same gender groups.
As a movement, Cursillo had its origin on the island of Majorca, Spain, in the late 1940′s as a means for reviving commitment in the Roman Catholic Church. Its method has been adapted by a number of denominations throughout the world.
The Crosslinks group was founded in 1981, the International Year of the Disabled, in response to a request made to then Archbishop Peter Carnley by concerned Anglican parents of people living with an intellectual disability. The group currently consists of people with intellectual disabilities, families, friends, carers, members of the Anglican Parish of Floreat Park and other supportive people including members of the Friends of L’Arche, Perth.
The group was named Crosslinks to indicate the twin role of providing a place of meeting for worship and fellowship under the Cross of Christ and to be a crossover for people with an intellectual disability into the life of the diocese. We continue to welcome people from various denominations to Crosslinks.
Join us, being loved by God and learning to love others more deeply with the love of Christ at St Nicholas Church Hall Floreat, 84 - 86 the Boulevard Floreat at 5.30pm on the third Sunday of the month (except for December when we meet on the first Sunday).
Reverend Stephen Gibbs (Crosslinks Chaplain) on 9387 1304 or 045 037 3362
Reverend Les Marshall (Crosslinks Deacon) on 0434 934 543.
Girls' Friendly Society
The mission of the Girls' Friendly Society (GFS) is to provide ministries to children, youth, families and adults in a safe and accepting environment where Christ’s love is evident and the Gospel is proclaimed.
The purpose of our organisation is to serve the community locally, nationally and globally through our motto “Bear one another’s burdens and so fulfil the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2). We do this by providing the many ministries we have and also partnering with different agencies/causes to help others in need in our community.
If you wish to become a part of our organisation or a volunteer to help those in need, our community is awaiting you with our open hearts.
The Reverend Josie Steytler is Chair of GFS WA branch.
Christian Movements
St Nicholas, Floreat
We embrace our Anglican tradition, and at the same time offer worship services which draw on contemporary language and music. Come and see! We would be delighted to meet you.

GFS: End of an Era
GFS was founded in England in 1875, initially for young women, but the founder Mrs Mary Elizabeth Townsend believed that young girls should be included.

Reflection: Mothers Love
The Spirit’s love blends with mothers’ love to create for believers a family, a safe community to express and grow in our faith.