Faith in Action
Faith in Action
The Anglican Church is committed to Reaching Out in Loving Service through the development of Diocesan commissions, ministries, missions and Anglican Communion organisations.
As we embrace service, we aim to:
- provide a Christian perspective and a theological basis for our approaches and actions
- seek guidance and empowerment through prayer
- where possible, work collaboratively and ecumenically with other church organisations and with people of other faiths or none.
The commissions and ministries work to equip worshipping communities, children and youth, schools and agencies with tools to explore topical social justice, diversity and inclusivity and environmental concerns, from a Christian perspective.
Mission today may be parishioners exploring faith more deeply through a program through Christian organisations and movements like Cursillo, the hospitality to seafarers, or connections through the Mothers’ Union to networks of Anglican women around Australia and across the world.
You are invited to explore and to become involved in the many dimensions of the Anglican Church through the ministries, commissions, missions and organisations of the Anglican Communion.
Faith in Action
New Chairperson of the ABM Board
Father Andrew Sempell has been appointed as the new Chairperson of the ABM Board
Partnership in Mission
Partnership in Mission (PIM) seeks to establish parish-to parish links. In partnership, we support each other in all aspects of mission and ministry with prayer, ideas, encouragement, and resources.
Throw it Away - No Way!
Do you find that you have items of clothing needing repair, or a chair with a wobbly leg, or a toaster which is not working? What if they could be repaired?